LLM's and Deming's Journey to Profound Knowledge

Those who follow me know I've been working extensively with LLMs and Generative AI. I've written quite a few Python programs using LLM-based APIs. I will share the models as soon as I can clean up the code. However, I'm currently using a quick-and-dirty version of Chatgpt with a PDF copy of my new book, "Deming's Journey to Profound Knowledge. In this first example, I'm using the GPT-3.5-Turbo model with an in-memory vector data store using a Huggingface embedding. In the second example, I used Anthrpoc’s Claude (I don’t have access to the API yet), and as you'll see, it didn’t do as well. The following are some of the dialogs.



Profound Book Club August 11, 2023 (Morning Session)

