Deming and Toyota

There seems to be a school of "Lean" that denies that Dr. Deming had any influence on Toyota. Aside from the fact that Dr. Deming has had a documented role in Japan's economic recovery starting in 1950. Not to mention the Deming Prize Toyota won in 1965. As well as Shoichiro Toyoda's quote, "There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about what Dr. Deming means to our management." I just read in Katie Anderson's Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn that Isao Yoshino said the following:

Top executives from Japanese manufacturers were so impressed with Deming’s practical theory that they applied it widely and experienced unheard-of levels of quality and productivity. In the area of Quality Control, the concept of “Quality Circles” started to prevail among Japanese companies, and took hold at Toyota in the early 1960s as it advanced what is now known as the Toyota Production System (TPS). 


The Miracle at Toyota


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